Friday, May 15, 2009


credits to iris

one passed one comes

FINALLY! finally mye had ended. (笑) went around and everyone seems to be posting on this.
oh. i am late. ha. watever.
mye had ended which means holidays are coming!
e last holiday i had had seen like million yrs ago. i need my holiday man!
felt dead tired. worried about my result. but wats done is done. i cant change it anymore.
i studied hard for this exam? So. watever e results is let it be!
oya oya. did i mention about e his project? erm. it suck!
or it is going to be sucky :) dun understand what e hell are the need of this project.
totally a waste of time, money and fuel to travel there.
okay. actually e project was fine juz tat alot of time will be wasted but im totally pissed when i saw e name list!
same group with caogu? no way man!
dam unfair! xq group with ql. arhhhh. planned to slack. HAHA.
jiayou clement and kumar!
shouldnt be thinking of tat for now. my mission for now is : PLAY!
tat seem to be my favourite word since young.
downcount: 22more days to 9june! looked forward to e day! but not e 6to8!
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 faster comeeee!!!!
ps. keith 你比我自恋!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

累了• 倦了• 不要了

Friday, May 8, 2009

Time to take a break

Tell me what you see when you look into my eyes.

Friday, finally put a stop to this week of studies. But with a bad ending.
last period of e day: HCL. Had back Paper2 e results are really NOT GOOD! 83???
i dun like tat no.!
forget about it. what's over is over; there's no point regreting over it.juz pray hard tat my paper1 can score well. :D
After sch went lotone library. study study study! we are good-kids! HA.
went aries after that. brought something and decided to go eat.
xiaoqi want leave 1st, left me and JM. LOL great time! Gossiping and Joking!

To CaoGu:
Please mind ur tones. We does not own u a life or wat-so-ever.
So don't take our kindness for granted.
continue to be this, trust me no one will be able to tolerate anymore.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


fcuk u la. only know how to 贪小便宜? yaya my mum brought new bag
SO??? is it any of ur businese? i no u want la but can dun show til so obvious ma?
still come kaciao me. I TOLD U BILLIAN TIMES I DOING HW RITE??
why e hell would u want to no how it looked like?
its not urs rite? and so what if my mum say want give u?
u think u see liao if u dun like den my mum will buy another one for u izzit?
dun think too big of urself la. PLEASE!
u how old liao still 伸手跟别人拿东西? come on la.
so what if ur money got cheated? are we e one who cheat u? NO RITE?
is ur own prob tat u got cheated. and if u got cheated den dun come think of having a lv
think wat our family can print cash izzit? or wat? our money is not money but urs are???
dun b so selfish la. only think of urself
whenever mum call u den u gib all ur order list??? GO DIE PLEASE!
we dun own u a thing
my mum is too 大方.tat doesnt meant u can use tat and ask for everything
get a life
u are not young. get a job and support ur own living.
instead of waiting others to spoon feed u with wat u wan
even if there were someone, IT WONT BE OUR FAMILY!
have u ever thought about what u should do as a adult?
u should be e one who give me items not ME GIVE U!
get a life