Friday, May 15, 2009


credits to iris

one passed one comes

FINALLY! finally mye had ended. (笑) went around and everyone seems to be posting on this.
oh. i am late. ha. watever.
mye had ended which means holidays are coming!
e last holiday i had had seen like million yrs ago. i need my holiday man!
felt dead tired. worried about my result. but wats done is done. i cant change it anymore.
i studied hard for this exam? So. watever e results is let it be!
oya oya. did i mention about e his project? erm. it suck!
or it is going to be sucky :) dun understand what e hell are the need of this project.
totally a waste of time, money and fuel to travel there.
okay. actually e project was fine juz tat alot of time will be wasted but im totally pissed when i saw e name list!
same group with caogu? no way man!
dam unfair! xq group with ql. arhhhh. planned to slack. HAHA.
jiayou clement and kumar!
shouldnt be thinking of tat for now. my mission for now is : PLAY!
tat seem to be my favourite word since young.
downcount: 22more days to 9june! looked forward to e day! but not e 6to8!
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 faster comeeee!!!!
ps. keith 你比我自恋!!


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