Sunday, January 24, 2010


I'm in bed now with my iPod and history textbook.
Is super stressed about e upcoming tests and assignments. Gosh I'm not failing it!
And I will, I am going to study for it unlike past yr when I basically don't study at all.
But whatever the result is, I still tried.

Once upon a time... There were a girl and a boy.
The boy draws and the girl laughs.
They play together, laugh together, make fun of other togeher.
But things did not turn out the way they hoped.
They went to two totally different ways.
The boy went to a school in e east and the girl went to a school in e west.
They talk lesser and lesser. After some time, they don't talk at all.
But none of them realize that. They made new friends. And only can gets know what each other is doing on Facebook.
The girl saw pictures of he boy with girls and start thinking to herself.
But she decided to pretend not to care at all and started to stay out of his life.
From then on, they were complete two paralle lines that won't cross through each others life anymore...

Sorry for e above story, I don't know why but I feel like typing that out.
Life is really hate recently.
There's a post that I wrote but after writing it I decided not to post anymore.
Too personal I guess. I had been pouring too much emotions here. Not good not good
And I don't know why whenever I try to post using my iPod I do long and wordy posts.
But when I was on laptop, I got nothing to post about.
It's more comfortable to be on my bed to post than when I had to sit infront of my laptop.
WORDY ehh!!
okay open that super cute picture above make this post less boring ba
At least I think so. (:


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