Wednesday, December 30, 2009


난 바보라서 그런가봐
아프게해도 괜찮은 가봐
못난사랑이라 놀려대도
어쩔수 없는 바보라서
내가 원해 잘해 줬던걸
그것만으로 행복했던걸
한번이라도 웃어주면
그 미소로 행복해
그녀가 사랑 할 사람 올때까지
이렇게 그녀 곁에서 있을뿐이야줄수 있어 행복한 사랑이라
아무것도 바라지않아
언제든 손내밀면 닿을 그곳에
언제든 불러주면 들릴 그곳에
변함없이 그곳에 있어줄게
그녈 사랑하니까
내가 택한 사랑이라서

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Bold all the things you've done in 2009

1. Dyed your hair an odd color.
2. Went skinny dipping.
3. Bought something you didn’t need.
4. Sneaked out of your house.
5. Became obsessed with a song no one knew.
6. Learned a song on your phone with your keypad.
7. Knitted something.
8. Ran a mile.
9. Fell in love.
10. Said, “like yeahh” too many times.
11. Lost your closest friends.
12. Got into a fight with someone you loved.
13. Climbed a tree.
14. Did something you said you wouldn’t.
15. Figured out who your real friends were.
16. Graduated High School.
17. Shopped online.
18. Created a tumblr.
19. Got addicted to tumblr.
20. Realized who you truly are.
21. Sang karaoke.
22. Flew across the world.
23. Performed in front of a large audience.
24. Met someone girl you found online
.25. Found a new band you now love.
26. Realized that Kanye West essentially sucked.
27. Got drunk.
28. Got high.
29. Spoke to a police officer.
30. Realized everyone is a hypocrite just fucking sucks.
31. Panicked over something stupid.
32. Failed a class.
33. Fell out of love.
34. Played a video game for hours straight.
35. Spent time with your family.
36. Ate dinner alone.
37. Cried in the shower.
38. Gained a new family member.
39. Shot off your own fireworks.
40. Made a snowman.
41. Got yelled at for no reason.
42. Waved at people you didn’t know in passing cars.
43. Sat on tumblr all day.
44. Changed your entire look.
45. Had sex.
46. Ran outside naked when it was freezing out.
47. Made your own fire.
48. Laughed at something that made no sense.
49. Fell asleep on the phone.
50. Told someone you loved them.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

早报逗号文化船 Part I

**Warning: Shit loads of pictures

went for ZaoBao cultural Cruise from 9Dec-12Dec
well. overall quite okay THE FOOD IS DAM GOOD! O(∩_∩)O
I ❤LEO srsly!
okay picture time:

Day One:

super nice snack? or watever it called. 1st meal on board

SuperStar Virgo- which is tons better than libra

First dinner. At Ocean Palace. average chinese food ehhh.

And And lastly end of day one, went back room 7017 and met my roommate for the nxt 4day!
LYNETTE! woooww. great roommate!
P.S. this was actually taken on the 4th day, but Who cares? LOL

Day Two:
Woke up at 6.30am!! and do some stupid shit 早操?!?!?
and after that lame joke..... .... .....


Breakfast at Mariners Buffet. ehh quite nice. different type of food to choose from.

And after that prepare for the KL trip....
Before going on bus...

Reached 光华独中.
seriously their school is super big and nice!! its time to rebuild our school ya?

didn't took alot of picture. erm what happen is, they did some dance and we did some dance.
not we actually, some of us....
and cause our schedule is delayed due to heavy traffic, one lady was like saying 快点快点快点!while we have our "famous" KL BakKutTeh".
its damn annoying please!
okay enough of my nags. At night.

went xinying's room and taketaketake

i suppose to look like stitch =.="

After the SnapSnap section went other room to practice for our Group Item
The Dance group....


the singing group

well.. its kinda like a pinic section while e Dancers practise out there.

Credits: my dearest LEO members (:

Part II will be up when i get my pictures from e other
To Be continued....

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Monday, December 7, 2009

当你开始变沉默 习惯逃避我
爱你的心开始慌了 被摇晃了
你转身扬起的残忍 我不认得
记得你说 有你在 怕什么
是你说的 你很爱我 为什么要把心摔破
你很爱我 却丢下我 在习惯你肩膀以后
是你说的 你很爱我 只是不再 牵我的手
幸福地图被你带走 爱回不来了
断线了 不能完整了
想起你说 有你在 怕什么
是你说的 你很爱我 为什么要把心摔破
你很爱我 却丢下我 在习惯你肩膀以后
是你说的 你很爱我 只是不再 牵我的手
幸福地图被你带走 爱回不来了
紧握的手被你推落 心终于被伤透
不如就让我任性的 哭个够
是你说的 你很爱我 为什么要把心摔破
你很爱我 却丢下我 在习惯你肩膀以后
是你说的 你很爱我 只是不再 牵著我的手
幸福地图被你带走 爱回不来了