Wednesday, October 21, 2009

i want to post a super bloody long post. i am jealous of ppl with long posts!
so i should write some crap here to make it looooong!

School tomorrow. some post-exam shit things.
can anyone tell me in what way does Health Ed helps??
its just a waste of time lor. if they can't find anything else to do, why not release us ealier?
oh and Family Day. Selling items to sec1 & 3 only? tell me how much we will earn?
Waste my 2bucks on that = throw money into the sea.
Seriously, i really don't feel like going to school for the next few days.
But anyway, as a good student, i will still go and make alot of noise (:
And getting back of Report Book on Friday. Am really scared to see my results
eventhough i know all the results for e papers, i am praying that my CA will help ALOT!
+ i don't want spilt class!!
although we are not as 'close' as how other classes are, but it's still sad to spilt class la.
new environment new people.

Anyway was surfing the net recently to find my fated bag
found one. need some people to help me bring e bag back to s'pore...
am asking around who going back China during dec holiday.
So if you are going back and willing to help me bring my beloved bag back
PLEASE contact me (: thanks alot really!

i guess my mission to post a super long post had failed.
really got nothing to post about already.
oh btw think i'm going to find a job during holiday.
To earn my own money and HAVE FUN!
also get know of more people instead of just a few people in my circle.


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