Friday, October 30, 2009


To my dear 肥皂, water and 肥皂盒:
thanks for tolerating all my mood swings and 坏脾气 for two/one years (:
i know alot of times i shown those beisong face.
but u guys know when i feel down and not like some others which misunderstood it.
thanks for all the laughters you guys brought to me
all the moments that bright up my whole day.
you guys might not noticed it but with you all i felt that i don't have to put up a protective shell
肥皂, thanks for leting me calling u names (: and didn't get angry with me
you know i call all that for fun de rite? hehe
and u must must teach me next yr horr!!``
water, although i just met you this year, but i had a feeling sometimes that i know you for long.
maybe its e almost same background we both have but i still very happy that you stayed (:
肥皂盒, sometime an eye contact you will know what i want to do or say
is that called 心电感应? ha``
two yrs from the start of the sec one i talked to you, you are like my twins
we had same likes and dislikes, same habits ha.
having you all as a friend is a bless for sure..
but time passes as the speed of light.
today is the last day of the school... i believe no matter what happened we will still be as close as now right?
promise me that please.. die die also cannot forget me!

To polarbear AKS:
2yrs passed and i'm still taller than you! waahahha *joke joke*
ehh faster grow taller laaa. although you round-ness very cute laaa
getting older liao hor more matured horr`` dun ever time tip-toe and compare height with me la
ha. and you are like my bro too.
update me with any news horr! must must!
and find the girl that is for you. tell me if you found her horr!
you never fail to make the class and teacher laugh-out-loud during classes
i can't imagine how boring the class will be without you
idk what to post liao. jiayou for ur studies dun u dare to forget me!

To si lier aka gay taka:
nicer name right? haha
ehh ur skill of lieing improved ALOT horr``
stop bluffing me laa. stupid. i very 好骗 horr
eh rmb u own me 3taggs liao horr better pay me back!
thanks for entertaining me when i'm bored and let me disiao you(:
and ur pics really made me laugh out loud! don't u next year dare ignore me! dun care u busy or not (:

To gyan, nick and woofwoof clement:
thanks for listening to all my craps and junks. good listener!
ehhh i will continue to talk craps with u nxt yr okay? (:
and give me tuitions pleaseee``` dun care must must must
haiya. eh continue to share with me ur secrets okay to entertain me.
thanks for cheering me up when i'm down. really appreciate that alot!
all the best for the nxt yrs. must must stay in contact hor!

hey 烤乳猪 dun get emo coz you get combine okayy? emoness dun suit u!
jiayou jiayou and get the gal you want baaa
although you are very pianbian at most of the times but still thanks for letting me hit you
and dun get too biantai please``

woof woof`` LOL. tell you something. you over-reaction-ness really made me laugh-out-loud
and watching them bullying you is part of my daily routin
i'm going to feet regret that i can't see that nxt year

To lingkai and gangs:
don't be so 爱美 laaaaa! very gayy lehhh!! haha
okayy monitor for half of the year (:
and keith please la. stop calling urself shuaii laa!

To peiyi, siming and co
going to miss your laughters alot LOL
there's not going to any WAHAHAHHAHAH anymore
siming, cheer up dun get emo emo.
if got any problem or what feel free to tell me, i am you sister (:
rachel grow taller!!
eh and again dun forget mee``!!

To kaijuan:
thanks for helping me carry my bags on CCa days
and try to cheer me up when i am having my mood swing
really helped alot.
and all the best for the nxt yrs
although we are not in the same cls keep contact okayy?

To leroy:
stop your depress laaa. emo-ness not good for health okayy
your stupid-ness really super funny sometimes (:
and stop bullying aisyah laaa
and jiayou find e girl for you la. don't waste time on what's not yours


p/s: find so many similar post everywhere. argg. copycats go die


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