Saturday, September 12, 2009

science centre can be fun

someone please shot me in the face.
wat a shitty brain i have. i fking forget where e hell i put my his checklist.
and now i am turning my whole room upside down and still couldn't find it!!
some genius help me find please!
science centre again! this is like e 5th or somethng i went there.
e course is okay i guess? quite simple. HOHO
explore the new F1 thing put up. its really fun!!
it got those "hit the lighted spot" game. and when me,JM,XQ was having so much fun
"kacha kacha" we kana snap by a total strangers!
and if u want to toupai at the very least turn off flash and e sound la.
haha. we know that we are amazing!
i just pray that our face wont appear on the facebook or smth.
tml last day of holiday liao. which mean? EXAMS ARE COMING!
shit me. i still alot things duno. ARGGG.
i am not going to fail any of my subject!! I AM NOT!
oh btw. brought shirt marker today. HAPPY i can finally add some colour to those white tees!

ps.currently in love with 爱上 by 小宇 which is playing now. HOHOHO
ohh and and i cant read using my stupid phone. wrong format again!!

oh. i forgot. i love hannah montana. call me childish but who cares?!


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